Only One Childhood (O1C)
*** Program is NO longer available. ***
When parents communicate with each other, good things can happen.
O1C is a communication skills program for separated and divorced parents who have previously completed a court-mandated parent education program. Learn parent communication skills, which can help you solve problems faster, save money by avoiding long court battles, and create a calmer atmosphere for your child and for yourself. More than 85% of O1C parents say they have learned to resolve conflicts productively, including:
- Managing emotions carefully, and choosing words carefully
- Fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect
- Using conflict resolution skills consistently
- Focusing on common ground and on the present, not the past
- Using “I” statements rather than “you” statements
Parents attend six, 2-hour sessions together. Parents can communicate with each other about tough issues and receive support and feedback from other parents in a safe and supportive environment. The cost of the class is $395 per parent; if the situations warrants it, the Court will set a different fee based on a parent’s financial conditions.
Please read the important information on this page about scheduling, registration and payment, as well as requirements for attending O1C classes.

O1C graduates report great success with this program.
Register for O1C
If you would like to participate in the Only One Childhood / O1C Program, please call us at (413) 586-8729.
Once you’ve completed the intake, mail it back with your check payable to HCBA, 15 Gothic Street, Suite 10, Northampton, MA 01060. To pay online, please select the button at right.
Pay for O1C
Once you’ve completed your intake, you can email it to [email protected] and pay online via PayPal, please select the payment below. A processing fee of $12.10 has been automatically added to the $395.00 payment amount.
Important Information for O1C Class Sessions
- Parenting together doesn’t end when your relationship ends
- Most parents can learn to parent together even after they separate
- Children do better when their parents are not fighting
- Parents do better when children do better
- There are skills that help people solve disagreements
- Parents can learn these skills
- That each parent understands that this is an active learning experience
- That each parent will take part in all the discussions and activities
- That each parent will be respectful of the other parent and of others in the class
- That there will be no unexcused absences and no unexcused tardiness
This program is NO longer available.
The program has six weekly sessions. Each session lasts two hours from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evenings
6:00-8:00 p.m.
(Six Sessions)
For more information, contact the HCBA office at [email protected] or call (413) 586-8729.
- O1C classes cost $395.00 per parent, payable to the Hampshire County Bar Association in order to register for the program.
- If the situation warrants it, the Court will set a different fee based on a parent’s financial conditions.
- Contact the HCBA office at [email protected] or call (413) 586-8729 to request additional information and to register.